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Revolutionize your email experience with AI-powered speed and efficiency.

About Superhuman

Superhuman is not just another email client; it’s an entirely new way to interact with your email, designed for the modern professional. With its AI-driven capabilities and intuitive design, Superhuman makes email management faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before.

Key Features

  • Speedy Interface: Navigate your inbox with an interface that is so fast it feels like an extension of your mind.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Utilize a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that enable you to manage your emails without even touching your mouse.
  • AI-Powered Search: Find exactly what you’re looking for in an instant with an AI-optimized search function.
  • Inbox Triage: Prioritize your emails effectively with features like split inboxes, making sure you attend to what truly matters.
  • Smart Summaries: Get a quick overview of lengthy emails, thanks to Superhuman’s AI that summarizes content for you.

Areas of Use

  • Business: Ideal for professionals who need to manage large volumes of emails and maintain effective communication.
  • Startups: Perfect for burgeoning companies requiring a scalable email solution.
  • Customer Support: Streamline customer query responses and improve customer relationships.
  • Sales and Marketing: Enhance outreach strategies and follow-up actions.
  • Freelancers: A lifesaver for independent workers juggling multiple projects and clients.

What Makes it Special

Superhuman stands out because of its commitment to speed and efficiency, backed by robust AI capabilities. It doesn’t just make email easier; it transforms it into an empowering experience for professionals.


Superhuman is more than just an email assistant; it is a tool that genuinely understands the needs of busy professionals. By leveraging AI and intuitive design, it elevates your email management to levels you didn’t think were possible. Investing in Superhuman is not just buying an email client; it’s investing in a more productive and efficient professional future.

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