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Magical AI is your intelligent assistant for scheduling, coordinating, and automating meetings.

About Magical

An intuitive, AI-powered tool, Magical revolutionizes the process of scheduling, coordinating, and automating meetings, providing a one-stop solution for busy professionals. Seamlessly integrating with popular conferencing tools and offering features to improve productivity, Magical aims to make meeting organization smooth and effortless.

Key Features

  • Automate Meeting Invitations: Magical automates the sending of meeting invitations and confirmations, saving valuable time.
  • Real-time Synchronization: Syncing agendas, notes, and documents in real-time ensures everyone stays on the same page.
  • Integration with Conferencing Tools: Integrates with Zoom and Google Meet for virtual meeting hosting, providing a seamless experience.
  • AI Notetaker: Automatically records and summarizes meeting notes in 32 languages, enhancing multilingual collaboration.
  • Personalized Scheduling Links: Offers personalized scheduling links to easily manage availability and preferences.

Areas of Use

  • Professional Meetings: Ideal for business professionals who need to organize frequent meetings with clients or colleagues.
  • Team Coordination: Team leads can efficiently coordinate meetings, ensuring timely collaboration.
  • Individual Scheduling: Individuals can simplify their scheduling process, regaining control over their time.
  • Education: Educators can utilize Magical to schedule and manage virtual classes and meetings.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare professionals can utilize the platform to coordinate appointments and consultations.

What Makes it Special

The main value of Magical for professionals lies in its unique combination of AI-powered automation and personalized customization, providing an unparalleled meeting management experience. Its seamless integration with other tools and platforms makes it a standout choice in the market.


Magical is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to enhance their meeting organization and productivity. With its intelligent features and user-friendly interface, it transforms the way meetings are planned and conducted. Whether you’re a busy professional, a team lead, or an individual looking to regain control over your time, Magical offers the perfect solution to meet all your needs.

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