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An AI-powered platform for startup and innovation scouting with time-saving DeepMatching™ technology.

About Novable

Novable is an AI-driven platform that specializes in startup and innovation scouting, offering a cutting-edge combination of DeepMatching™ technology and expert human insights.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Scouting: Leverages DeepMatching™ technology for targeted startup discovery and evaluation.
  • Professional Scouting and Validation: Offers expert support in scouting, validation, and engagement for an all-encompassing experience.
  • Vast Contextual Network: Provides access to a comprehensive database covering millions of innovative companies worldwide.
  • Natural Language Search: Enables users to conduct searches using natural language queries for a user-friendly experience.
  • Time-Saving Efficiency: Designed to streamline the scouting process, filtering out noise and presenting only relevant data.

Areas of Use

  • Startup Scouting: Ideal for venture capitalists and business leaders looking for the next big thing.
  • Innovation Research: Allows corporate innovation teams to find new technologies and startups aligned with their goals.
  • Investment Decisions: Helps investment firms to identify high-potential startups in various sectors.
  • Market Trends: Assists in understanding market dynamics and emerging trends for strategic decision-making.
  • Partnership Building: Facilitates the formation of valuable partnerships between startups and established firms.

What Makes It Special

Novable stands out for its unique integration of artificial intelligence with human expertise, delivering a 97% customer satisfaction rate. Its DeepMatching™ technology makes it faster and more accurate than competitors.


Novable is an indispensable tool for any professional involved in startup scouting, innovation, or investment. With its robust feature set and unique capabilities, it brings unprecedented efficiency to the process. Novable not only helps you discover tomorrow’s innovations today but also ensures that your decisions are grounded in accurate, timely data.

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