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Effortlessly transform audio and video files into highly accurate written text in over 100 languages.

About Riverside

AI Transcriptions by Riverside is a free, web-based transcription tool that employs state-of-the-art AI technology to offer fast and highly accurate transcriptions for audio and video files. With its intuitive interface and a range of features, it is designed to cater to professionals across various sectors.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Language Support: Capable of transcribing audio and video files in over 100 languages, making it globally accessible.
  • User-Friendly Interface: A clean, intuitive design enables quick file uploads and easy navigation.
  • High Accuracy: Utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to provide highly accurate transcriptions.
  • Speaker Detection: Automatically identifies and labels different speakers in the transcript, enhancing readability.
  • Multiple File Formats: Supports commonly used file formats such as MP3, WAV, MP4, and MOV.
  • Timestamps and Search: Incorporates timestamps and keyword search functionality, allowing for easy content location.

Areas of Use:

  • Podcasting: Ideal for podcasters who require reliable transcriptions for show notes or accessibility purposes.
  • Journalism: Journalists can transcribe interviews or press conferences swiftly for articles or archival.
  • Research: Suitable for academic researchers who need to transcribe interviews or focus groups for qualitative analysis.
  • Corporate Meetings: Transcribe board meetings, webinars, or training sessions for better record-keeping and compliance.
  • Legal Affairs: Law firms and legal professionals can use it to transcribe hearings, interrogations, and depositions.

What Makes it Special:

This tool stands out for its seamless combination of speed and accuracy, backed by state-of-the-art AI algorithms. Additionally, the feature to transcribe in over 100 languages makes it a versatile tool for international professionals.


AI Transcriptions by Riverside is an exceptional tool that fulfills the needs of a wide range of professionals requiring high-quality transcriptions. Its comprehensive set of features, from multi-language support to speaker identification, sets it apart from competitors. Free to use, highly accurate, and remarkably user-friendly, it is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to transform audio and video content into written text.

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