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Transform your human resources and product development processes with smart surveys and user interviews.

About Validly

Validly isn’t just another survey or interview platform; it is your comprehensive toolkit for HR and product development. It is designed to offer a robust set of tools for automating research, recruitment, and product discovery.

Key Features

  • Automated Surveys: Create and deploy customized surveys in a matter of minutes.
  • AI-Powered Analytics: Gain real-time insights from collected data, offering actionable recommendations.
  • Automated Recruitment: Simplify your recruitment process by auto-scheduling interviews and screenings.
  • Real-Time User Interviews: Engage with your target audience directly to collect valuable feedback.
  • Customizable Discussion Guides: Use pre-designed templates or create your own to guide your user interviews and focus groups.
  • Video Interviews: Conduct face-to-face interviews and have them automatically transcribed for future reference.

Areas of Use

  • Product Development: Utilize the toolkit to quickly gauge market needs and adapt your development cycles accordingly.
  • Human Resources: Streamline recruitment and employee feedback processes efficiently.
  • Market Research: Deploy surveys to your target market to collect valuable data.
  • User Experience: Run continuous user interviews to refine UX/UI elements.
  • Strategic Decision-making: Use real-time analytics to make informed decisions rapidly.
  • Quality Assurance: Engage in targeted interviews to identify bugs and areas of improvement.

What Makes It Special

What sets Validly apart is its intuitive user interface coupled with powerful AI analytics, which not only simplifies the research process but also speeds it up tenfold. Unlike other platforms, Validly caters to both human resources and product teams, offering versatility in application.


Validly is the go-to platform for teams who need to conduct research, whether for human resources or product development. The tool empowers professionals by automating time-consuming tasks and offering real-time, AI-powered insights. If you’re looking to make smarter, faster decisions that are backed by data, then Validly is the platform for you.

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